From never good enough to peace in your mind and body!
Learn to deal with perfectionism within 6 months, so that you get the peace and relaxation you so long for.
Is your work always done down to the last detail? Are you always willing to go the extra mile and work until you are truly satisfied? Do you always see what could be better?
Your colleagues are probably very happy with your perfectionism, but are you?
Does the following also apply to you?
You sometimes procrastinate endlessly and rarely relax
That critical voice in your head telling you what you still 'must do'.
You want to be in control of everything. Sometimes you get called a "control freak
Your head is always 'on' and you worry yourself silly
Emotions overwhelm you
It is never good enough
You make high demands on yourself
All these characteristics can point to perfectionism. If you overshoot the mark, it will have unpleasant consequences for your health, career and private life. Many of my clients feel like a walking head, experience eternal doubt, set the bar higher and higher for themselves and actually get quite tired of it.
All this causes you to get stuck at some point, so that:
- You are often exhausted, stressed or depressed. You have a short fuse.
- you have to do everything and no time to relax
- you are afraid of failing and being found out
- you are constantly 'on', busy in your head and have no overview anymore
- you have difficulty concentrating and forget things more easily
What happens if you keep going like this ... ?
Research shows that perfectionists suffer more than others from complaints such as fear of failure, underachievement, headaches, stress and have a higher risk of burn-out. In addition, they are more often dissatisfied with themselves, worry more and suffer under the pressure of endless to-do lists.
Fortunately, something can be done about it!
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could experience peace in your head and body again? If you were satisfied with what you do and are? To be able to let go a bit more, so that you have time and energy for the things that are really important to you and learn to feel that you are completely okay the way you are. This way you will become the sunshine in the house again!
Miss Perfect
I myself got quite stuck in my perfectionism, which resulted in me not daring to do anything and procrastinating endlessly. I would have preferred to study psychology, but there was supposedly no serious money to be made with that, so I opted for law. Sixes were not enough for me; I had to get at least an 8. For years, I postponed everything out of fear of not being good enough and I got completely stuck when I had to perform. I couldn't sleep because of all the worrying and eventually I was really exhausted.
Of course, asking for help or giving up was not an option. For me, this felt like the ultimate failure. Moreover, I was afraid of what those around me would think if I stopped. So I kept forcing myself and withdrew more and more. I felt trapped in my own perfect cage.
Do not continue like this
After years of studying law, burnt out and dead unhappy, I made the choice to stop and follow my heart. I changed course, started working abroad and have now completed two bachelor's degrees and a coach course. I am proud of myself for having achieved this!
During my journey of change, I confronted myself and my patterns and discovered why I and so many others get stuck in perfectionism. But also how you can get out of it when you are ready to fight with your limiting patterns and beliefs.
Instead of studying with burn-out symptoms, I now dive into the books with pleasure. I have learned that I am completely okay just the way I am, I have discovered peace within myself, I experience more connection with others and I enjoy my work intensely. I wish the same for you! As a coach, I help you on your way from a full head to more peace, more energy and more fun.
Just imagine ...
That you would no longer be hindered by your perfectionism, but could let it work for you instead of against you?
I can help you with your perfectionism, so that you:
- Enjoy life again, both at work and at home
- recognises and guards boundaries
- save energy and time
- Have full confidence in yourself
- no longer having to do everything on your own
- feel connected to yourself and others. That makes everyone happy!
The conversations with Xandra were very helpful to me. Through the exercises I managed to get some rest and at the same time put my shoulders to the wheel to achieve my goals. It feels so good to make steps and to see progress. I can breathe again. Thanks a lot!
Bjorn la Tulippe, Style Director
Xandra is open, sincere and enthusiastic. This immediately created a safe environment where I felt I could say anything. Xandra feels well when you are in your head and with exercises she brought me back to rest and get back into the feeling. Thank you, Xandra, for your energy, passion for coaching, openness and honesty!
Felix Tan, business controller
With a course of action that was specially tailored to my situation, Xandra gave me the right tools to get out of a burn-out. With her help and perseverance I was able to find the energy to participate fully in life again.
Ivo Beek, data architect and entrepreneur
Coaching with Xandra I experienced as a clarification and relief. Xandra took the time and energy to achieve the desired result. The combination of face-to-face and online proved to be very pleasant. Because of the program I dare to express myself more, to take time for myself, I can deal with feelings more easily, give things a better place and get the rest I need.
Robin, Set Designer
When I entered the process with Xandra, I had been at home for some time due to burnout.
The course was tough, but it is very nice to see progression. Xandra's approach is very personal. Together we investigated at a deeper layer and did more than just look at the symptoms. The sessions were both physical and online and I have not noticed any difference between them.
I know better what I like and live more according to my values. I listen to my feelings and body and can make choices more easily. I got off the express train and live more consciously. I can enjoy again and would definitely recommend coaching by Xandra!
Christine, Journalist
Through the coaching, I gained insight into the causes of my energy deficits, know my pitfalls and patterns, and got tools to deal with them. I have much more energy and can tick off my to-do list again.
Thanks to the Voice Dialogue sessions with Xandra, I recognize my "selves" and consciously give them space or not. My biggest eye-opener is that I am a big pleaser. Because of the coaching I can say 'no' more easily and guard my boundaries. As a result I experience more peace, both privately and at work.
The coaching has helped me super much and I am very happy about that. Xandra, thank you for all the help!
Alwin, Finance Administrator
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Hi, I am Xandra van Merriënboer.
An open, sensitive and committed coach with a background in life coaching, high sensitivity (HSP) and secondary education. As a NOBCO coach, I am specialised in perfectionism, high sensitivity and stress. My coaching style can be described as sensitive, attentive, reflective and thorough.
I help you deal with your perfectionism, overcome your burnout, discover the beautiful sides of high sensitivity and towards less stress, so that you can finally gain lasting peace of mind and have success and fulfillment at work and at home!
Are you curious about what I can do for you? Then schedule an appointment for an informal introductory meeting with me.