Methods, models and techniques

What does a coaching program look like?

Introductory interview

We start with a no-obligation, online introductory consultation. This conversation takes about 45 minutes. You can schedule it yourself in my calendar. Is there no convenient time for you? Send me a message via the contact form and then together we will look at a time that is convenient for both of us.
If you would like a brief telephone introduction beforehand, this is also possible (free of charge). 

During this conversation you will get a taste of what it is like to be coached by me and take the first step toward achieving your coaching goals. If we have a click, I will be happy to explain how I think I can best coach you.
I will also explain to you the code of ethics I work with through the NOBCO. You do not enter into any obligations with this informal conversation. However, I do expect you to always let me know whether or not you want to start together.

After the introduction

After the conversation, you have a few days to consider whether you would like to continue with me as a coach.
When you decide to proceed, we formulate clear coaching goals together and make arrangements around the intake form, Coaching Monitor, start date and billing. I see the introduction as an intake. Your data will be treated confidentially at all times.

Furthermore, I prepare a coaching agreement that lists your goals and all agreements. 

If you decide you won't continue, we'll say a friendly goodbye and I hope to have helped you along the way a little anyway.


We always start with a kick-off. During this session we handle the intake form, discuss possible obstacles and give you concrete tools and exercises.

The coaching sessions take place both online and face-to-face. Experience shows that online conversations are just as valuable as face-to-face coaching. We also go out into nature once for an outdoor session.

We agree together on the frequency of appointments, although most coachees start with a few weekly calls and then move to once every two weeks.

After each conversation I ask you to write a reflection report. I often get feedback from clients that this helps them process insights gained even better and helps to keep the coach goals in focus.
I also give you assignments to apply the insights from the conversations in practice, to learn to relax better or to practice new behavior. On average you will spend 1 to 1.5 hours per week on this, preferably spread over several days. Think of it as training new muscle groups; you only get stronger when you work on them regularly.
These kinds of assignments are meant to support your process, but of course not mandatory! Ultimately, you yourself are the one who decides what does and does not suit you and how much time and energy you put into it.

Closing session and evaluation

At the end of the course, we look at which methodologies help you the most. I help you make your First Aid for overstimulation kit. We also evaluate - during the final session - the program. If you have chosen to use the Coaching Monitor, we include this in our evaluation. I also ask you if you are willing to give a (Google) review about the process we went through together. 


Do you need contact in the months following our process? Then you can always email or call me and I will be happy to think with you. This costs you nothing extra and is included in the coaching program.

Models and techniques

Over the years, my treasure chest of practice materials has become quite filled. I deploy these models and techniques, in consultation with you, during sessions. A small selection from my treasure chest:

  • Acceptance & Commitment Therapy - ACT (Hayes)
  • Work of Brené Brown
  • DISC (Marston) and Drives
  • Emotional layering (Susan David, Marc Brackett, Lisa Feldman Barrett and others)
  • Focusing (Gendlin)
  • Character Structures (Lowe)
  • Core qualities (Ofman)
  • Bodywork
  • Mindfulness
  • Systemic work (Hellinger)
  • The Work (Byron Katie)
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Voice Dialogue (Hal & Sidra Stone)
  • Self-compassion (Kristin Neff)

As a coach, I am affiliated with EMCC Global / NOBCO and follow their International Code of Ethics. This means, among other things, that the content of coaching conversations is confidential, I respect my clients' privacy and treat the information from our conversations confidentially. 

Have you become curious about what I can do for you? Then take contact with me for a completely free introductory meeting.